Principles of First Assisting in Cardiovascular Surgery
The quality of surgical assistance is an important factor affecting surgical performance and outcomes. This article gives a perspective on key principles of first assisting, specifically during cardiovascular operations. The principles start with operative techniques, then expand into concepts relating to the surgical field and operating room. By adhering to the described principles, the first assistant may enhance a surgical operation, benefiting the surgeon, the operating room team, and, most important, the patient.
Excellent first assisting adds efficiency, elegance, and assistance has been identified as a key intraoperative stressor for the primary surgeon, potentially affecting his or her surgical performance and contributing to complications. During an operation, a part of the primary surgeon’s mind tracks the first assistant: What action is he or she performing? How well is the action being done? Is the action advancing or impeding the operation? The primary responsibility of a first assistant, in our view, is“do no harm.” The second responsibility is to facilitate the flow of the operation by helping the primary surgeon. The“perfect surgical assistant has been described as“calm, confident, competent, and courageous.” In addition to these attributes, the following principles should be considered specifically when assisting in cardiovascular operations
Core Principles
Modern surgery is gentle surgery. Instruments and devices applied roughly cause unnecessary tissue trauma. The first assistant should keep this in mind when using various tools. The suction, for example, should be used lightly, like a bird, especially when suctioning around delicate venous grafts or vascular anastomoses. Suctions used as blunt retractors can be too rough and noisy at times, when forceps will do. Self- retaining retractors should be opened slowly and narrowly at first, with gradual expansion to allow full exposure.
When either exposing or sewing, gentle displacement of the tissue with closed forceps will often suffice instead of grasping and crushing with forceps. For example, the three-layer soft tissue closure anterior to the sternum can usually be accomplished without grasping subcutaneous tissue. Simple displacement causes less tissue trauma. If grasping is necessary, it should be done delicately and gently. Although considered to be an“atraumatic” instrument, the DeBakey forceps can cause damage to tissue, especially blood vessels.