Cardiac Surgery: The Speed of Innovation

Today, over a million heart surgeries are performed around the world each year with ~900,000 performed in the United State alone. Those are remarkable numbers for a subspecialty that is only 70 years old. Perhaps even more impressive is how safe cardiac surgery is - a 2021 study of over 11,000 index cardiac operations found an operative mortality rate of just 2.2%.

As a cardiac surgery patient myself, it has become a fascinating area to explore my own intellectual curiosity. My mother has worked in cardiac surgery for as long as I have been alive. Her stories from the days when she scrubbed for Dr. Michael Debakey and Dr. Denton Cooley (the two Houston-based surgeons credited as the ‘fathers of modern cardiac surgery) to those of modern day techniques provides a backdrop into the technical advancements that make this surgical specialty the most technologically progressive of any out there.

Learning about the Surgeons, Physician Associates, and Nurse Practitioner First Assistants (aka RNFAs) who have dedicated their lives to training in this subspecialty provides an aperture into the perspectives of those who straddle the fine line between life-and-death every day.

What the next 70 years brings to this specialty is anybody’s guess - improving not just longevity but the quality-of-life for heart patients is an essential part of how technology will be leveraged to continually innovate and build off the legacies of the pioneers who dared to put a scalpel to the center of human life.

From Spectacle to Standard

Patient Advocacy

Navigating cardiac surgery is a daunting process for any patient. It is undoubtedly a scary process and engaging a Patient Advocate can greatly alleviate the stress for you and your family members by streamlining the process, enabling peace-of-mind, and obtaining the necessary guidance to ensure a smooth continuum-of-care from diagnosis through surgery and the post-operative recovery period.

Patient advocacy is not a new concept - it is what every healthcare provider in some way, shape or form is taught along their respective journeys to work in healthcare. But at some point, the demands of healthcare careers and the quantifiable mandates of how their performance is evaluated necessitates patients to seek out experienced private patient advocates that become an essential component to making informed decisions. In today’s healthcare landscape, the patient is more responsible than ever to take control of their care by making well-informed choices and understanding the consequences of care - both who is providing it and the manner in which it is delivered. Cardiac surgery is not the only place where advocacy matters, but it may be the most important because of the high-stakes, the incredible profit that the service line provides to institutions, and the complexity and range of procedures.

Finding a Patient Advocate who knows the in’s-and-out’s of Cardiac Surgery is essential given what is at stake and all the information translation required to make the best decisions for your care.

Practitioner Spotlight
Erica Campbell, MSPAS, PA-C

(Lead Cardiothoracic Surgery Physician Assistant - Tier 1 Academic Institution

“When I first started in Cardiothoracic Surgery, one of the surgeons told me to put my hair up and effectively, not look so feminine. I am who I am and will never try to be someone I am not.”

“I didn’t choose surgery; surgery chose me. It is my ‘happy place’ - the one spot where I am completely consumed. Time stands still. The opportunity for immediate gratitude is addicting. I’ll never lose my love for being in the O.R.”

“As a devout Christian, I felt His presence most in the Cardiac Operating Room - the miracles we see; the heartbreak we endure - it is His will. That gives me tremendous purpose.”

The Value of Cardiothoracic Surgery Physician Associates

Cardiothoracic Surgery Physician Associates have become an essential member of the Cardiac Surgery team. Over time, they have increased their roles in major cardiac surgery procedures. According to one prominent Cardiothoracic Surgeon, she indicated that Cardiothoracic Physician Associates are essential for the following reasons:

  • DIRECT OPERATIVE ASSISTANCE: Cardiac PA’s often serve as First Assistants to the Attending Surgeon and are a critical second set of hands to facilitate the case. PA’s are not the ones handing the instruments; they are directly involved in the operative field and must have the training to handle the nuances of each case. In some instances, the Cardiac PA will be required to assist with acute cardiac resuscitation efforts.

  • FACILITATES COORDINATION OF THE SURGICAL TEAM: Cardiac Surgery Teams are large with many different roles. The surgeon is often focused exclusively on the operative field. “It gives me great comfort and peace-of-mind to have a top-tier PA by my side who can help with providing leadership to the team especially during very stressful moments of a case.”

  • CONTINUUM-OF-CARE: Cardiac PA’s are involved in almost every aspect of the surgery experience. From pre-op consult, to preparing the patient for surgery, to assisting in the operating room and helping with post-op care, the PA becomes the centerpiece for the team and a tremendous asset as a liaison with the family.

Cardiac Operating Room Design

Past, Present & Future